So I was at the doctor's office today. It just so happens it is in a mini, indoor mall. So, obviously, I had to have a bit of a looksie around. There is a gorgeous flower shop at this mall (it's actually the only gorgeous thing in this mall). I saw me some pretty jute wrapped jars, and I want them!!! However, I know darn well that I can just make them myself, so I shouldn't pay the mark up to just have them instantly. Sometimes I just want things instantly. You know what I mean?? I know you do.
Vintage Inspired Children's Clothing
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Pretty things
So I was at the doctor's office today. It just so happens it is in a mini, indoor mall. So, obviously, I had to have a bit of a looksie around. There is a gorgeous flower shop at this mall (it's actually the only gorgeous thing in this mall). I saw me some pretty jute wrapped jars, and I want them!!! However, I know darn well that I can just make them myself, so I shouldn't pay the mark up to just have them instantly. Sometimes I just want things instantly. You know what I mean?? I know you do.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
To Blog or not to Blog..............
How do you like my Googly Eyed Boy??? We are getting ready to go to a Fred Eaglesmith Event!! Do you know of Fred Eaglesmith? You can check out his site here He has the most interesting story telling songs ever! Not only that, but he does comedy right along with the whole show. I have been to a few and it is just fun!!! We are taking our kids this time. Thus..........the goggles. Fred usually has goggles on his top hat...........he's fun like that. My son is getting ready to go to his first concert!! There is so much more I could tell you about Fred............but, you can just check out the site and see it. I don't know him personally.......just a fan.
I know................I have been away................a long, long time. I am trying to pull myself back together again. I have anything really worth sharing..............worth reading??? If I take the time to do it right.............I really do, and it could be quite fun.............but........with all the kids running around, I am constantly interrupted and end up wondering where my priorities are. Anyway, I will mull all this over, in the meantime, I am being interrupted, it is soccer playoffs and my son wants a big snack before he goes out there and expends all his energy!!!
Friday, 8 March 2013
Ripley's Aquarium

The kids were thrilled with a morning at the Ripley's Aquarium! Thrilled and scared !! The sharks and the stingrays were an absolute favourite! I thought the unique seahorses were the most interesting!! This afternoon entails a trip to the ocean, a seashell hunt, and then a hot tub warm up for me. Only 58 degrees here today..............just not quite warm enough.
Monday, 4 March 2013
Well, it was a chilly start........but this afternoon we are heading for the outdoor pool. Bought some awesome Easter candy. Bought some treats we don't have in Canada. Just enjoying the cool surroundings. I may or may not talk about the vodka deals.............depends if I remember or not. Sheesh! Off to the water park right now, and a little ping pong tourney.
Sunday, 3 March 2013
On Vacation!!
We made it..............Travel was smooth sailing until we crossed into the USA. Michigan, not bad at all, Ohio, boring but not eventful..........then West Virginia..........UGH, the winding, winding roads, in the dead of night, with heavy, heavy snow squalls!! Awful!! The 16 hour drive took 19...........but, we made it. So far, the kids have seen palm trees, Cole has been thrilled with the look of American money, he thought we were kidding him...........thought it wasn't for real. Now we are in our condo for the night. It is lovely. Can't wait to put them to bed so I can pass out!! The real adventure shall begin tomorrow.
Friday, 1 March 2013
An Unpleasant Realization
Here she is..........Miss Sadie................In the top photo, she is sporting her "rag a muffin" look. I put an end to this look this week, I took her and her brother for haircuts! Quite cute they are!!
Now for the bad news.............Last week I found out that I had missed Junior Kindergarten sign up. No big deal, I called in and just took her over to the school and filled out all the forms and Sadie is set to go for September 2013. Easy as pie. I am not one of those moms who sobs at the house after a child starts school, it just doesn't bother me, it's the way life is suppose to go along.
Next, Sunday comes along.......... off to Sunday school we go. River's kindergarten teacher happens to attend the same church as we do. I bump into her in the foyer and mention to her that I am sorry that I missed the sign up for kindergarten, but that Sadie is now good to go. Here it is folks, the life changer................ Teacher replies " Oh that is great. We haven't been pushing the sign up this year as most parents do not want to send them all day everyday". What? What did she say to me? All day, Everyday???? Um, pardon? Teacher " Yes, this is the first year that all the junior and senior kindergartens will go all day, everyday instead of the every other day schedule."
You must understand, I am a mom to 9 kids..............I have not had an empty house, during the daytime (or any other time actually) in over 25 years. What will I do?
Oh dear, now I may shed a tear.
Thursday, 28 February 2013
M is for Modcloth....My new Obsession!!
You know when you see IT.......and you know that you must, must have IT..............That is just how I felt when I saw these boots on the Modcloth website, they were a must have item for me. I totally love them. Of course, they are one of those items that you can not wear everyday, they are just too big a statement, but, I want to wear them every single day!!! In my part of the world, there is about 2 feet of snow on the ground, a bit more really. I see my lovely neighbour out there right now, snowplowing our lane for us, while the snow is still falling. This sweater and boots are my ray of sunshine, glinting against the snow. A Cheery Day to You!!
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