Here she is..........Miss Sadie................In the top photo, she is sporting her "rag a muffin" look. I put an end to this look this week, I took her and her brother for haircuts! Quite cute they are!!
Now for the bad news.............Last week I found out that I had missed Junior Kindergarten sign up. No big deal, I called in and just took her over to the school and filled out all the forms and Sadie is set to go for September 2013. Easy as pie. I am not one of those moms who sobs at the house after a child starts school, it just doesn't bother me, it's the way life is suppose to go along.
Next, Sunday comes along.......... off to Sunday school we go. River's kindergarten teacher happens to attend the same church as we do. I bump into her in the foyer and mention to her that I am sorry that I missed the sign up for kindergarten, but that Sadie is now good to go. Here it is folks, the life changer................ Teacher replies " Oh that is great. We haven't been pushing the sign up this year as most parents do not want to send them all day everyday". What? What did she say to me? All day, Everyday???? Um, pardon? Teacher " Yes, this is the first year that all the junior and senior kindergartens will go all day, everyday instead of the every other day schedule."
You must understand, I am a mom to 9 kids..............I have not had an empty house, during the daytime (or any other time actually) in over 25 years. What will I do?
Oh dear, now I may shed a tear.