Tuesday, 27 November 2012
You Can Always Use One More Cupboard!!
Finally it is completed!! I say finally because it is one of those things that needed to be made and put in place 2 years ago. However, it remained in my head up until a couple of weeks ago. You see, my stove is meant to be a built in gas range..................but, when we moved here, there was no place for a built in appliance. So, it just looked unfinished. And be all observations one would think this did not bother me.....................but it really, really did. Still I delayed in getting the measurements to my dad..........he's the carpenter you see. But, I finally did and after lots of measuring and re measuring and phone calls back and forth.............it arrived! Then it was my turn!! I am the finisher...........not the cabinet maker...............Some paint here and there, a vintage knob, some chalkboard paint and voila!
The kids have a wonderful place to draw and leave notes for Santa............
Monday, 26 November 2012
Cyber Sale at Sadieloohoo!!
Two new "big dolls" have been added to the shop this week!! Lucy and Bonnie are their names and they come with their own little "non shedding" pets.
Sadieloohoo is having a sale this week. Use Code cybersale15 to receive 15% off your purchase!!
Friday, 23 November 2012
Sometimes You Just Need Comfort Food
I grew up in a home of "homemade" cooking............seriously, my mom even baked loaves of bread. I was one of those kids who took the homemade cookies and muffins to school and traded them with the "lucky" kids who got vachon, or those mini packs of raisins. I grew to be quite proud of all the things my mom could bake, cakes she could decorate and all the other yummy things. On the walk home from school, as we got close to my house, we could smell the cookies baking and my friends would want to come play at my house.
There was one thing that my mom made that was not so "healthy".............turns out it is my favourite meal. I would request it on my birthdays. It is so simple and so yummy. It's homemade macaroni and cheese, where the cheese is Cheese Whiz!!!
Here's how you make it:
Cook up a pot of noodles ( I usually do 2 cups of raw macaroni noodles)
one small chopped up onion
half a jar of cheese whiz
a half can of diced tomatoes
the other half of the can of diced tomatoes you blend up
salt and pepper
Add all the ingredients to a pot and heat slowly on the stovetop so the onions go soft. Maybe half an hour.
Or, you can cook it in the oven at 350 degrees for an hour.
On a side note, I grew up to be that mom that sends homemade goodies in the kids lunch everyday. When we moved away, all the kids I used to look after, told their moms how much they missed the dough balls and cookies that I would make for them. What goes around comes around.
There was one thing that my mom made that was not so "healthy".............turns out it is my favourite meal. I would request it on my birthdays. It is so simple and so yummy. It's homemade macaroni and cheese, where the cheese is Cheese Whiz!!!
Here's how you make it:
Cook up a pot of noodles ( I usually do 2 cups of raw macaroni noodles)
one small chopped up onion
half a jar of cheese whiz
a half can of diced tomatoes
the other half of the can of diced tomatoes you blend up
salt and pepper
Add all the ingredients to a pot and heat slowly on the stovetop so the onions go soft. Maybe half an hour.
Or, you can cook it in the oven at 350 degrees for an hour.
On a side note, I grew up to be that mom that sends homemade goodies in the kids lunch everyday. When we moved away, all the kids I used to look after, told their moms how much they missed the dough balls and cookies that I would make for them. What goes around comes around.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Thankful for Parents and their Skills!!
My dad came by this weekend! He had made a cabinet for beside my stove. In my old house, the stove was a built in gas range.............however, when we moved, there was no "built in" area for the stove, so............it's just been sitting there with one side unfinished. Dad worked long and hard and came up with a lovely cabinet to make the stove appear "built in". I will show pictures of it after I have finished the things I need to do to it!! Thanks Dad!!!
My mom sent a few treaties along with dad..............YAY!!! First is a lovely brown bag filled with spice cookies. Everyone enjoys these. They are in a lovely glass covered dish............so I can hear when the boys are trying to sneak them!!
Next is a lovely crochet yoke. I found the pattern on etsy and knew that I had lovely material to go with the yoke. However, I do not crochet right now........in comes my moms expertise. She crocheted this up in a day and sent it over too. I added the paris fabric to it this afternoon and now Sadie has a lovely new dress. Thanks Mom!!
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
I've Been Farming???
Let me start by saying that it is a hectic week here. Two of my sons have birthdays this week. So many cakes and meals and one party must be planned and executed. Dinner and gift giving number one was tonight. Spencer turned 15. Yay him...............he can now be hired by McDonald's !!! Whoot , Whoot. River turns 5 tomorrow............5.........what...........not happy about that...well he is happy...me, not so much. He is having his first "friend" party. Oh the cakes have been baked, the prizes wrapped and the treats bags are ready...........I' sure there is fun to be had!! Now to the important matters at hand.....
So, I've mentioned that we bought this fun, yellow brick house, out in the country. It used to be a chicken farm. It hasn't been for many years now.....Many people in our house are "gamers". This happens when there are pre-teens and teens going on................and they are all boys. I am not a gamer. Many years ago, my parents bought one of the first home computers..............a VIC 20............oh yes they did!!!! I became a pro.......learned every screen...........could beat every game. It is terribly addictive. Last week my husband brought Farm of Dreams into my world.....I resisted...........yes I did.............In a weak moment I played screen one................I am on screen 48 now..............good luck resisting...........Farm of Dreams
So, I've mentioned that we bought this fun, yellow brick house, out in the country. It used to be a chicken farm. It hasn't been for many years now.....Many people in our house are "gamers". This happens when there are pre-teens and teens going on................and they are all boys. I am not a gamer. Many years ago, my parents bought one of the first home computers..............a VIC 20............oh yes they did!!!! I became a pro.......learned every screen...........could beat every game. It is terribly addictive. Last week my husband brought Farm of Dreams into my world.....I resisted...........yes I did.............In a weak moment I played screen one................I am on screen 48 now..............good luck resisting...........Farm of Dreams
Monday, 12 November 2012
Teaming up With Jellibean Journals with a Giveaway!!
Jelli from Jellibean Journals recently contacted me and we decided to team up and do a little giveaway! You can win this sweet peasant top from Sadieloohoo! Just go to Jellibean Journals to check out the requirements.
1. Check out Sadieloohoo and leave a comment telling what your favourite item is in the shop.
2. Follow Sadieloohoo blog via gfc.
3. Follow Jellibean Journals via email.
The peasant top that is up for grabs is available in sizes 18 months to size 6. Ends November 16, 2012.
Good Luck!!
1. Check out Sadieloohoo and leave a comment telling what your favourite item is in the shop.
2. Follow Sadieloohoo blog via gfc.
3. Follow Jellibean Journals via email.
The peasant top that is up for grabs is available in sizes 18 months to size 6. Ends November 16, 2012.
Good Luck!!
Friday, 9 November 2012
Dear Santa Project
I saw the pattern for this penny rug in a sweet quilt shop and knew I had to make it. There are many children in our home, thus many things that they need to "explain". I often find myself saying "now why did you do that" or "what on earth are you doing". The answers I receive are like this "I don't know" or "what do you mean mom" or "I'm not doing anything". Since they can't explain their craziness to me, I doubt they would be able to explain it to Santa...............But it is a cute project to stitch up!
Thursday, 8 November 2012
More Chalkboard Paint..............
Chalkboard Coasters!!
Buy What?
Buy natural stone tiles at Rona
Buy Martha Stewart Chalkboard Paint
Buy Corkboard
How To?
Paint the tiles with the paint, sides and tops
Do two coats, 2 hours between coats
Cut cork to fit backs and adhere.
Wrap with jute and a piece of chalk.
Makes an awesome hostess gift!!
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Movember and a Pretty Hat
I know I always show you things happening with my little ones, the littles...............I would show you things in regards with the older ones.......but they are secretive and refuse to be photographed!!! Well, it's Movember and my 16 year old son is participating in the event! ( I must tell you, his mustache looks way, shall we say "less", in person). I asked him if I should delete this picture and do another..........No no, he says, he thinks he looks awesome in this "thick" mustache picture. He has also donned my 3 year olds halloween hat. Everyone in the house is in good moods tonight (there are 8 of us right now, so that is saying a lot for the "all happy" factor) I must take advantage of the good moods and take pictures............they just might smile!!
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Burlap And Chalkboard Gift Tags
I was looking wading through all my fabrics around here, and found a cool piece of chalkboard fabric.............what to do? what to do? I am always in need of gift tags! I still have tons of burlap left over from yesterdays curtain project..............so...........here you have it.........burlap and chalkboard gift tags!! Perfect for Christmas......or anytime!! You just erase them and reuse them...........environmentally friendly or what? Have you thought about gift wrapping yet? Do you use all new wrap each year, are you someone who saves and reuses?? I do both!
These tags can also be found here in my little part of the etsy world.
These tags can also be found here in my little part of the etsy world.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Silky, Smooth Frango Mint Pie
My sister introduced me to this pie several years ago.............this pie and I get along just fine............
Here are the ingredients for Frango Mint Pie:
1 cup softened butter
2 cups of icing sugar
4 ounces of unsweetened chocolate
4 eggs
3/4 tsp peppermint extract
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup graham crackers crushed
Beat the butter and sugar in a large bowl until light and fluffy. Melt the chocolate in the microwave. Add melted chocolate to the butter mixture and beat thoroughly. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each egg until well blended. Fold in the peppermint and vanilla.
Line a pan with crumbs. Pour in the filling. Refridgerate for 2 hours.
This is for an 8 inch pie pan.
“Come join Love the Pie with TidyMom sponsored by Whirlpool and enter to win a new Whirlpool Range”

I posted this in at this party: http://igottacreate.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/wildly-original-linky-party-25.html
Here are the ingredients for Frango Mint Pie:
1 cup softened butter
2 cups of icing sugar
4 ounces of unsweetened chocolate
4 eggs
3/4 tsp peppermint extract
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup graham crackers crushed
Beat the butter and sugar in a large bowl until light and fluffy. Melt the chocolate in the microwave. Add melted chocolate to the butter mixture and beat thoroughly. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each egg until well blended. Fold in the peppermint and vanilla.
Line a pan with crumbs. Pour in the filling. Refridgerate for 2 hours.
This is for an 8 inch pie pan.
“Come join Love the Pie with TidyMom sponsored by Whirlpool and enter to win a new Whirlpool Range”

I posted this in at this party: http://igottacreate.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/wildly-original-linky-party-25.html
Burlap Curtain with Burlap Rose
I bought the burlap about a year ago now..........finally hauled it out last night and made my plans. First off, I'd just like to say..............burlap is messy and it doesn't smell so great either!!
This project took a good 2 hours to complete, start to finish. I started with the big rose burlap flower. I have tried other flowers like this before..............they rarely turn out for me. So, this time, I did not look up any "how to's" and just went at it on my own. The rose turned out really, really well. I'll be making some more! Then I cut and hemmed the long curtain of burlap...................looked really boring. What should I add??? My trusty, unbleached, muslin fabric would do quite nicely! I gathered up a ruffle of that, stitched it on...........took it up to my daughters room to hang in the window. When I put the rose tieback around it, I did not like the length of the curtain..............back downstairs, cut a 5 inch length of burlap. Ruffle it, hem it and attach it to the bottom of the curtain. Now it is complete...........an upper ruffle, a bottom ruffle and a rose.............lovely for my little girls room......................Can't wait to do her walls and trim...............
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Oops, I didn't realize.......
There are many, many things I don't know....small things, big things.....lots of things. Today it is about Leibster and being nominated.........I didn't know what it meant.......little embarrassed. Thank you so much to Esther at Esther Norine Designs for the nomination. She nominated me on October 28. It took me this long to find out what it even meant. I got answers like........it doesn't mean anything to it is something to keep moral up around new bloggers. Then I found that there are questions and such that need to be done.........so, I thought I best get on that.
Things to know:
You need to give 11 random facts about yourself. You need to answer the questions from the person who nominated you, then, you need to nominated 11 more people, with less than 200 followers for the award.
11 Random Facts about Me:
1. I do not like to read manuals of any kind, this causes problems.....but it is still true.
2. I love things that are turquoise in colour.
3. I'm Canadian......those are not spelling errors, we spell words like color with a "u"..colour.
4. I love stale red licorice.
5. I rarely wear jewellery.
6. I have been sky diving.........it was awesome.
7. I went on a skiing trip to BC at Kicking Horse........but I don't ski, so I sat in the chalet at the top of the mountain and enjoyed vodka instead.
8. I have a massive collection (seriously huge) of scrapbooking supplies.........I have yet to scrap book.
9. I am not a hoarder.
10. I look stupid in a hat..........any hat except a beret style hat.
11. If you package something up, real pretty....I'll likely buy it.
Now for Esther's Questions:
I like blogging because it is fun to just put something out there in the world for people to read....or not read......but it's there for all to see and read.
I don't really dream of vacations. I don't have a lot of hope that I will ever get one...........so I don't really put any energy into thinking about it.
I do not have pets.............just children.
My guilty pleasure is my subscription to glossybox. It's a cool box of makeup that comes once a month for a fee of $15. That being said, they upped the cost to $22 starting next month and so I'm cancelling it. I'll have to find a new guilty pleasure.
I would pick up a book over the remote any day!!
My favourite (not a spelling error) holiday is Christmas. The music, the cookies, the shows, the traditions..........all those lovely things.
I do like Starbucks. I order the Caramel Macchiato or the Caramel Frappacino .
I like shoes even more than purses. Not heels though. Love boots the most!!
I love to cook and to bake!!
My favourite accessory is my ponytail.......it really has a life of it's own.
I lived in the city for most of my life. We moved to the country two years ago. I am undecided which one I like better............but I'm leaning towards country.
My Nominees Are:
Sophie from A Good Year
Jacinda from Yellowcloth
Ramsey Grace
Life with Ash
Too Goodin to Be True
Life and Lemons
Rustic Love
This is my Life
One Creative Housewife
Short Girl Long Island
My questions are:
What is the last book you read or movie you watched?
If you could drive any car, what would it be?
Cheesecake or pie?
Would you rather stay up late at night, or wake up early in the morning?
If you could only use one kind of makeup, what would it be?
What language do you wish you could speak but can't?
What is your most embarrassing moment?
What do you want for Christmas?
Do you know who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
If you could rename yourself..........who would you be?
What is your dream job?
Things to know:
You need to give 11 random facts about yourself. You need to answer the questions from the person who nominated you, then, you need to nominated 11 more people, with less than 200 followers for the award.
11 Random Facts about Me:
1. I do not like to read manuals of any kind, this causes problems.....but it is still true.
2. I love things that are turquoise in colour.
3. I'm Canadian......those are not spelling errors, we spell words like color with a "u"..colour.
4. I love stale red licorice.
5. I rarely wear jewellery.
6. I have been sky diving.........it was awesome.
7. I went on a skiing trip to BC at Kicking Horse........but I don't ski, so I sat in the chalet at the top of the mountain and enjoyed vodka instead.
8. I have a massive collection (seriously huge) of scrapbooking supplies.........I have yet to scrap book.
9. I am not a hoarder.
10. I look stupid in a hat..........any hat except a beret style hat.
11. If you package something up, real pretty....I'll likely buy it.
Now for Esther's Questions:
I like blogging because it is fun to just put something out there in the world for people to read....or not read......but it's there for all to see and read.
I don't really dream of vacations. I don't have a lot of hope that I will ever get one...........so I don't really put any energy into thinking about it.
I do not have pets.............just children.
My guilty pleasure is my subscription to glossybox. It's a cool box of makeup that comes once a month for a fee of $15. That being said, they upped the cost to $22 starting next month and so I'm cancelling it. I'll have to find a new guilty pleasure.
I would pick up a book over the remote any day!!
My favourite (not a spelling error) holiday is Christmas. The music, the cookies, the shows, the traditions..........all those lovely things.
I do like Starbucks. I order the Caramel Macchiato or the Caramel Frappacino .
I like shoes even more than purses. Not heels though. Love boots the most!!
I love to cook and to bake!!
My favourite accessory is my ponytail.......it really has a life of it's own.
I lived in the city for most of my life. We moved to the country two years ago. I am undecided which one I like better............but I'm leaning towards country.
My Nominees Are:
Sophie from A Good Year
Jacinda from Yellowcloth
Ramsey Grace
Life with Ash
Too Goodin to Be True
Life and Lemons
Rustic Love
This is my Life
One Creative Housewife
Short Girl Long Island
My questions are:
What is the last book you read or movie you watched?
If you could drive any car, what would it be?
Cheesecake or pie?
Would you rather stay up late at night, or wake up early in the morning?
If you could only use one kind of makeup, what would it be?
What language do you wish you could speak but can't?
What is your most embarrassing moment?
What do you want for Christmas?
Do you know who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
If you could rename yourself..........who would you be?
What is your dream job?
Friday, 2 November 2012
Just a little "Frosting"

Mom, Mom..........look!! Look outside!! It's not snowing............just a little frosting...........
Oh Sadie, come quick, come see the frosting...........hurry before the ground licks it up...........
I can so see those words in a "Dick and Jane" reader.
Things to write down and remember, because I know I'll forget. How sweet are the thoughts of "almost 5 year old" boys.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Seriously People......Seriously?????
Last night we ran around in the rain, collecting our fair share of treats around the countryside. We returned home with frozen fingers and numb toes and dripping wet..........we'll thank "Sandy" for that, not just the usual dreary fall weather. While the kids sat in front of the fireplace.......rooting and gloating over their haul..........we sat in front of the tv.............and then it happened...............you know what I'm talking about.............the first CHRISTMAS COMMERCIAL..............I'm not kidding!!! I glanced at the clock, still Oct. 31.............where is the decency people??? Not even November and the first commercial hits. It was for a travel agency............now ok, if you are lucky enough to cruise through Christmas, maybe, maybe you need to book now??? However, did you need a commercial to tell you that? My guess is, if you plan to go on a cruise through the Christmas holidays, you've already planned it and bought your tickets. If not, you are waiting for a super deal............but you don't need the commercial to tell you that, do you?
Flash forward to this morning.............yeah, this morning............I open the paper............TWO Christmas shopping flyers!!! November 1st people..............not time for this yet!!! The Americans haven't even done Thanksgiving yet!!!
I guess it is never too early for them to start grabbing at our wallets. I guess they think if they wait too long, we might have given all our money to "the other guy".
Honestly, yes, I have started shopping already for Christmas. Months ago actually. But it is a little too early for "them" to start clawing at us for our dollars. SHEESH !!
Flash forward to this morning.............yeah, this morning............I open the paper............TWO Christmas shopping flyers!!! November 1st people..............not time for this yet!!! The Americans haven't even done Thanksgiving yet!!!
I guess it is never too early for them to start grabbing at our wallets. I guess they think if they wait too long, we might have given all our money to "the other guy".
Honestly, yes, I have started shopping already for Christmas. Months ago actually. But it is a little too early for "them" to start clawing at us for our dollars. SHEESH !!
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